Thursday, December 23, 2010



It is something I want, but cannot obtain.  Until two nights ago, that is.

I decided to go to bed at 20:00.  I figured maybe I'd feel better in the morning, ja?

Well, I was right.

It was fabulous.  I woke up at 6:00 and had lots of energy.  I flicked on the lights right away and got dressed.  Then, I went to the bathroom and did what was possibly one of the best makeup jobs of my life.  Then I remembered to print a very important essay, something I often forget.

Last night, however I did not sleep.  I had to use my backup plan, AKA the Starbucks near my house.

As much as I love Starbucks, I do quite love to sleep.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Being my incredibly artsier-than-thou self, I am in a musical.  We had our first read-through today.  It was quite fabulous.  Everyone seemed to have a different way of reading things.  Here are some examples:

- The Captain: the one who the director is in love with.  The Captain makes a show about planning not to audition and the director follows him around on his knees.  He reads everything slowly and dramatically.  So dramatically, in fact, that there's an odd sense of finality when his lines are done and everyone sits there... speechless.

- The Musician: the one who isn't the best at acting, but joined the musical for the music part. She has trouble making her lines sound real, but she has a super awesome punk ballad in the second act, so everyone's okay with it.  Every day she walks into the rehearsal room singing, air-drums when she has no lines, and air-guitars on her way out.

- The Sass-Mongerer:  the one who decided to have fun with her part.  She makes her lines so unbearably sassy that we can't help but love it.  She always seems to make someone awkwardly laugh for an awkward amount of time, but it's okay because she's just so hilarious and sassadelic.

It's quite a lot of fun being surrounded by people who don't play sports.


Monday, December 20, 2010


Belts are fun.

My friends and I will often compare the lengths of our belts due to their location and shape.  Ironically of course, seeing as we are female humans.

I find I often judge people by their belts.

I once saw a girl wearing a piano belt that appeared to be paint splattered.  This girl was approximately nine years old, so I decided she was annoying, wished she was scene/punk/emo/whatever the kids these days are calling it, and probably liked Justin Bieber.

I also saw a girl wearing a ribbon belt with a flower attached.  I decided she was a probably very airy and likes to ride bicycles.  She probably has a sushi night with all her friends from upstate and they go to tastefully small Japanese bistros.  She probably wears beanies and fedoras.  She may or may not be a hipster, but who am I to judge?


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Harry Potter.

As you may or may not know, Harry Potter is easily the greatest book of all time.


And today, I started my sixth reread of the series.  Yes.  Sixth.  Except for the sixth and seventh installments in this blessed work of literature, because the first time I read them, there were only five and the second time, there were only six.

God, that was suspenseful.

No matter how many times I read it however, I still notice new things.  Did you know that the first thing Harry says in the entire series is "Nearly?"  Aunt Petunia is getting all up in his grill and disturbing his slumber and she's all like, "Yo fool, you awake yet?" and Harry says, "Nearly."

Kind of an anticlimactic way to start the book, yes?


Saturday, December 18, 2010


I am Starshine.  No, that is not my real name, but it would be very interesting if it was.

So how is everybody?

I feel quite pleasant today.

Since this is my first blog post, let's discuss blogs.  You know what's sad?  Adult bloggers.  No offense to all you bloggers over the age of 30, but it kind of depresses me.  It makes me picture someone in his mom's basement hunched over a computer.  You're an adult, do you really have nothing better to do than blog?  Unless they're in it for the AdSense money.  I totally get that.  Unless unless they blog about cats or weight loss.  There is absolutely no excusing that.

So, on that note, I hope you have a tottes dank day.

Love, Starshine.